My Bullet Journal- a look

It is almost the end of the year and therefore also the time for a look back and forward. A year where I started a bullet journal, among other things. I enjoy seeing the creativity of others and will do it myself someday.

Just started my bullet journal

I only started a bullet journal this year so I am way behind the hype. It took so long because I'm quite frugal. I already had a diary so it was just a waste to replace my calendar.

But I tackled it anyway, you can read all about that here and in the meantime I have a journal in addition to my bullet journal.

The difference between a bullet journal and a diary

My bullet journal is really a diary. I start each month with a month cover and draw something that totally fits this month. Then I make and month log and make a different week log for each week. I get inspiration and ideas from Pinterest.

In my journal I write and draw much more elaborately. There I make drawings of events, write a lot here and actually make it a bit of a public diary. At the moment I am participating in the #creachickdecemberchallenge and my drawings, hand lettering and more are also all in my journal.

Here are the assignments I have made so far for this challenge.

Where do I get my inspiration from

I get inspiration for drawing or handlettering from Pinterest, but I also learn a lot from Creachick. I love her YouTube videos that are like little workshops every time.


I draw people mainly in my journal, while in my bullet journal I draw more ‘other things’ like animals or doodles. Drawing I really had to learn and I do not want to say that I do it perfectly now. But I do notice that I like it more and more and because of this it goes better and better. I wrote an article about this before.

About believing in yourself even if you have no talent right away.


What I will no longer do in a subsequent Bullet journal

One learns by doing and that is also the case with my journal. Of course I get a lot of inspiration and ideas from Pinterest. Here I also get ideas for pages I can make.

So you come across a lot of trackers and mood pages’s and in my first bullet journal I made these too, but I soon found out that I am not someone who is going to keep track of her mood every day and whether I have vacuumed the dust. These pages’s I have left out now.

January look ahead

Since I already have some appointments scheduled for 2019, I have already started for the new year. So now I know what I don't want to make in the new year and what I do want to make. Although I get new ideas every time. No month is the same.

It is a lot of work especially now that I also participate in the #creachickdecemberchallenge. But I get so much pleasure and satisfaction out of it. That is why I am giving you a glimpse into the month of January.


This year, for the first time in a lot of years, there was no diary on my wish list, but a new bullet journal, because this one is almost full. There are so many different journal’s, that if you want to start it is good to read up on them. I myself have a Paperstore by Deltas. This bullet journal is perfect for me, but that may vary from person to person.

I think it is important to have a good look at this, if you want to start with a Journal.

Do you have a bullet journal or do you use a calendar or your phone to plan everything in?

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